And Then There Was One..

So, I was planning on getting home and getting online, but the Update Gods being a finicky sort as they are wont to be, that doesn’t seem as though it’s going to be happening.

Which works out, sort of.  I was going to write a blog post about getting past a major milestone for the year, anyway.  Although I’d rather it be on my terms than not, but, whatever.

So, last night, with the aid of a few fellow misfits (you know who you are!) I was able to run to the mailbox after a successful Cannith Challenge run to see the following:


So that’s one heck of a load of pressure off for the Goals of the Year.. and the only thing left is to secure completions on every quest and challenge remaining in the game.

Which, depending on how they’re logged in the Adventure Compendium, might have just grown by a few notches… crap.  I won’t be able to check that out until later.  Boo!

If you were wondering what all the effort towards getting 5,000 Favor on a single life was worth, I’ll spoil it for you:


A veritable library of +5 raw tomes to choose from!

Although it makes me wonder just how much more content they’ll have to add to make it to the 7,000 Favor Reward, which is currently listed as “???”…




Tell Tholgrin how you really feel..